In its required status report, filed pursuant to Court Order, EEOC announced it is preparing a Notice of Information Collection – Employer Information Report (EEO-1) to seek authorization from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the collection of pay data going forward. As a reminder, OMB approval for the data collection
California Pay Data Reporting Advances: EEOC May Not Be Alone for Long
The recent focus on the EEOC’s new Component 2 to its EEO-1 Report has been undeniable. It requires employers report on the race, ethnicity, sex, job type, pay, and hours worked data of its employees.
OMB approved this data collection during the Obama Administration. Then, under President Donald Trump, the OMB reversed course, staying the…
Federal Judge Reinstates EEOC Pay Data Collection, Effective Immediately
A U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia vacated the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) stay of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) revised EEO-1 form and the September 15, 2017, Federal Register Notice implementing the stay (Staying the Effectiveness of the EEO-1 Pay Data Collection, 82 Fed. Reg. 43362). Nat’l Women’s Law…
The Fight Over EEO-1 Pay Data Collection Continues
As previously reported here, in November 2017, following the Office’s of Management and Budget (“OMB’s”) “immediate stay” of the EEO-1 pay data reporting requirement, the National Women’s Law Center (“NWLC”) and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (“LCLAA”) filed a lawsuit to reinstate the EEO-1 pay data reporting requirement, asserting OMB lacked the…